
Zbog negiranja genoida u BiH : Protestno pismo povodom predavanja Emira Kusturice u Ženevi !

Zbog negiranja genoida u BiH : Protestno pismo povodom predavanja Emira Kusturice u Ženevi !

27 Oktobra
15:34 2017

Institut za istraživanje genocida iz Kanade (IGC) i Kongres Bošnjaka Sjeverne Amerike uputili su protesno pismo Institutu za međunarodne odnose u Ženevi zbog  gostovanja   režisera  Emira Kusturice,   koji će  31. oktobra  održati predavanje na temu  „Multikulturalizam danas“.

Pismo je upućeno direktoru Instituta Philippeu Burrinu i moderatoru Andreu Liebichu i prenosimo ga u cjelosti .

U ime preživjelih žrtava genocida koji se dogodio u Bosni i Hercegovini izražavamo zabrinutost vašom odlukom o organizovanju predavanju Emira Kusturice, samozvanog srpskog revizioniste, koji negira genocid, sistemska i organizovana silovanja, etničko čišćenje i druge oblike zločina protiv čovječnosti i ratne zločine koji su se dogodili u BiH.

Također okrivljuje Bošnjake za genocid u Srebrenici. Njegovo negiranje genocida u BiH je u suprotnosti sa odlukama oba međunarodna suda u Hagu i više nacionalnih sudova koji potvrđuju zločin agresije na BiH i genocida nad njenim građanima, posebno Bošnjacima.

Gospodina Kusturicu podržavaju samo negatori genocida koji rade u službi srpsko-nacionalističke politike. Svjesni smo važnosti slobode govora. Međutim negiranje činjenica potvrđenih pravosnažnim odlukama međunarodnih i nacionalnih sudova i negiranje genocida je sramno i traumatično za žrtve agresije na BiH i genocida nad njenim građanima, koji još pate zbog navedenih zločina. U Sjevernoj Americi živi hiljade Bošnjaka, preživjelih  žrtava zločina agresije na BiH i genocida nad njenim građanima koji su izgubili svoje najmilije. Gospodin Kusturica namjerno vrijeđa preživjele žrtve genocida. Ukoliko on bude prisutan na predavanju koga vi organizujete, preživljele žrtve genocida će to shvatiti  kao vašu podršku  gospodinu Kusturici, negatoru zločina agresije na BiH i genocida nad njenim građanima. Kao organizacije koje promovišu mir, istinu i pravdu, smatramo da je prisustvo negatora genocida, gospodina Kusturice kontraproduktivno misiji vaše organizacije. Njegov rad i stalno negiranje genocida u Bosni i Hercegovini je vrlo štetno za proces ozdravljenja preživjelih žrtava genocida u BiH.

Nadamo se da ćete ovo pismo prihvatiti s posebnom pažnjom i razumjevanjem, jer mnogi Bošnjaci u Sjevernoj Americi još uvijek žive s fizičkim i emocionalnim ožiljcima, kao rezultatima agresije i genocida. Podržavanje gospodina Kusturice, negatora genocida u BiH  samo produbljuje ožiljke preživjelih žrtava zločina. Zato  tražimo od vas da zabranite predavanje gospodinu Kusturici, negatoru zločina genocida u BiH, navodi se u pismu kojeg potpisuje akademik Emir Ramić i predsjednik Kongresa Bošnjaka Sjeverne Amerike Eldin Elezović.


The Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies
Chemin Eugène-Rigot 2A
Case postale 1672
CH – 1211 Geneva 1, Switzerland
T +41 22 908 57 00

Mr. Philippe Burrin
Mr. Andre Liebich,

Dear Philippe Burrin,
Dear Andre Liebich,


On behalf of survivors of the Genocide that took place in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH), we are deeply concerned with your decision to host Mr. Emir Kusturica as a guest speaker on Tuesday, October 31, 2017. Mr. Kusturica, a self-proclaimed  Balkan Revisionist explicitly denies that genocide, systematic rape of women and girls and ethnic cleansing ever took place in BiH. He places the blame on Bosniaks for the Genocide in Srebrenica and other massacres that took place throughout the war of aggression on BiH.

As a result of his denial, Mr. Kusturica has publicly disregarded that approximately 50,000 Bosniak women were raped during the three year war of aggression on BiH. The rapes were in fact used as an official Serb policy for ethnic cleansing. To this day, his outrageous claims have not been supported by internationally accepted evidence but only by other genocide deniers. His conspiracy theories are in direct conflict with the official rulings by the International Court of Justice, the International War Crimes Tribunal for Former Yugoslavia, as well as various declarations from the United States Congress, Canadian Parliament and the European Parliament.

We acknowledge the importance of freedom of speech, however, falsifying facts and denying genocide is unacceptable and deeply traumatic for the survivors and their families who continue to suffer due to the physical and emotional trauma they underwent. Hundreds of thousands of Bosniaks who survived the genocide in BiH have made the United States and Canada their second home; most of them having lost someone as a result of genocide and aggression. Mr. Kusturica uses his writing to purposely hurt those who have survived genocide, and having him attend this event will send the wrong message to all genocide survivors.

All genocide deniers directly undermine peace and justice because the only way to peace and reconciliation is to acknowledge the truth and punish those responsible. Mr. Kusturca’s work and constant expression of denial is damaging to the healing process of the survivors of the genocide in BiH and we urge you to stand up for justice and truth and reject all affiliation with Mr. Kusturica and his work.


Professor Dr.  Emir Ramic
Director, Institute for Research Genocide, Canada
Eldin Elezović
President, Congress of North American Bosniaks 



The Institute for Research of Genocide, Canada and the Congress of North American Bosniaks call upon all friends of the truth about the crimes in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the friends of justice for the victims of those crimes to immediately send a letter to: Institute of International and Development Studies, Geneva, Switzerland.

The letter that you just need to sign and send:

Dear Philippe Burrin,
Dear Andre Liebich,

I am deeply concerned with your decision to host Mr. Emir Kusturica as a guest speaker for the October 31, 2017. Mr. Kusturica , a self-proclaimed Balkan Revisionist denies that genocide, systematic rape of women and girls and ethnic cleansing ever took place in Bosnia and Herzegovina {BiH}. Mr. Kusturica places the blame on Bosniaks for the Genocide in Srebrenica and other massacres that took place throughout the war of aggression on BiH.

As a result of his denial, Mr. Kusturica has publicly disregarded that approximately 50,000 Bosniak women were raped during the three year war of aggression on BiH. The rapes were in fact used as an official Serb policy for ethnic cleansing. To this day, his outrageous claims have not been supported by internationally accepted evidence but only by other genocide deniers. His conspiracy theories are in direct conflict with the official rulings by the International Court of Justice, the International War Crimes Tribunal for Former Yugoslavia, as well as various declarations from the United States Congress, Canadian Parliament and the European Parliament.

I hope that you will agree that having Mr. Kusturica speak would be highly inappropriate and contrary to the mission of your organization which strives to promote peace and justice.

I urge you to stand up for justice and truth and reject all affiliation with Mr. Kusturica and his work.


The letter should be sent to the email address:,






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