
Integracija na kvadrat : Krajišnici u Austriji otvorili prvi coffee shop za prodaju kanabisa

Integracija na kvadrat : Krajišnici u Austriji otvorili prvi coffee shop za prodaju kanabisa

23 Augusta
23:25 2017

Dok je u našoj zemlji liječenje na bazi medicinske marihuane još uvijek u formi inicijativa, u zapadnim zemljama sve više odobravaju korištenje proizvoda na bazi kanabisa.

Krajišnik Haris Felić otvorio je nedavno sa svojom djevojkom Maidom Hadžalić coffee shop “The CBD-Cartell” u austrijskom gradu Wolfsbergu u kojem se baveprodajom CBD-Cannabisa kojeg sami uzgajaju na vlastitoj plantaži od 5000 m2.

Ideju su dobili nakon što je njihov prijatelj i partner Andreas Franz počeo konzumirati Cannabidiol kao alternativu za tablete nakon što je godinama trošio lijekove protiv glavobolje i migrene zbog čega mu je teško oštećena jetra, ispričao je za Radiosarajevo.baHaris Felić.

Kao i u brojnim drugim zemljama, kapi Cannabidiola je bilo teško pronaći, zbog čega su se mladi Krajišnici odlučili na poduzetništvo sadeći na vlastitom imanju kanabis.

“Sjemenke naših biljki same od sebe imaju ispod 0.3 posto THC-a, što znači da su legalne u Austriji. Sa raznim faktorima kao svjetlost ili vlažnost zraka uzgajamo biljke pod najboljim uslovima. Da bi procvjetale potrebno im je relacija svjetla i mraka tačno 24 sata dnevno. Nakon te procedure se koriste samo cvjetovi jer je u njima taj Cannabidiol. Ali naravno mi koristimo i lišće jer od njega proizvodimo čaj od kanabisa”, objasnio nam je Felić.

Njihov dom je tamo gdje je i plantaža, a biljke sade unutra i izvana.

“Pošto ni i u Austriji kanabis nije svakodnevan nije bilo lako doći do informacija o biljkama i kako ih saditi. Ali već godinama kod nas postoje tako zvane GrowShops u kojima je moguće kupiti sav potreban materijal”, ispričao nam je Felić objašnjavajući kako su se o sadnji kanabisa najviše educirali na internetu.

Reakcije na otvaranje ovakvog coffe shopa u Austriji su uglavnom pozitivne. Svjedoče to brojni gosti koji putuju iz Graza i Klagenfurta do Wolfsberga gdje se nalazi njihova radnja. Mnogima još uvijek nije jasno kako je i zašto legalno ono što rade, stoga se u ovaj coffe shop dolaze i samo informirati.

Kao i u svakom drugom poslu, bilo je i negativnih komentara, ali to ne ometa njihov rad niti njihove goste koji kupujući njihove proizvode traže alternativu za tablete i druge farmaceutske proizvode, što čini jasnijim zbog čega je legalizacija medicinske marihuane još uvijek daleko u mnogim zemljama i zbog čega je prijetnja farmaceutskoj industriji.

U ovaj coffee shop brojni se dolaze i zabaviti, pa uz kafu ili piće naruče samačke ili familijarne plate kanabisa.

“Te dvije varijante serviramo kao CBD cvijet sa duhanom, filterima i papirom za cigarete”, ispričao nam je Felić navodeći da kao gastronomska i trgovačka firma ne smiju davati medicinska obećanja ili nuditi konzumaciju, iako njihovi gosti mogu dobiti veliki brojnih informacija.

Felić navodi kako se i u Austriji kanabis predstavlja kao opojna droga, ako ima više od 0.3 posto THC-a u sebi.

“Sa redovnim analizama u laboratoriju i redovnim držvanim kontrolama mi se nalazimo uvijek na legalnoj strani”, pojasnio je Felić.

Balkanski mentalitet je ograničenog shvatanja po pitanju upotrebe kanabisa, za mnoge je to jasno i glasno droga, a konzumenti kanabisa su isključivo narkomani.

I njihova rodbina iz Krajine isprva je bila skeptična, no nakon što su i sami informirani u Coffee shopu, shvatili su da njihova djeca ne rade ništa kriminalno i da to nema veze sa opojnim drogama. Od tada Felić, njegova djevojka i partner imaju veliku podršku rodbine.

Nadaju se da bi uskoro mogli proizvoditi cannabidiol i u Bosni i Hercegovini. Iako je inicijjativa za skidanje konoplje s Tablice popisa opojnih droga  pokrenuta još krajem marta ove godine, do legalizacije medicinske marihuane u našoj zemlji još uvijek nije došlo.

U budućnosti planiramo otvoriti još ovakvih coffee shopova u konceptu franšiza. Već imamo zainteresiranih za saradnju”, rekao nam je Felić, te je rekao da je iritantno da i u razvijenoj i bogatoj zemlji poput Austrije ljudi još uvijek moraju tražiti zdravstvenu alternativu sami za sebe.

Ipak, najsretniji su kada čuju da njihovi proizvodi ublažavaju bolove i liječe bolesti njihovih kupaca.

Semra Hodžić ( )


7 0 komentara

  1. Kristy Saiz
    Kristy Saiz 30 Maja, 05:02

    I am a great fan of CBD and hemp products and I must admit that I know the market inside out.

    With this very exclusive service, I will try and honestly review your products on the basis of their presentation, quality (taste: if edible), value for money, branding and so on.

    I can review up to 50 products at most.

    I am based in the UK, so you would have to ship all the products to my UK address.

    I would publish the reviews in a CBD and Hemp lifestyle magazine. I can take pictures of your products and add them next to each product (see extra gig).

    Depending on the number of products involved, I would write up around 1,500 to 3,000 words for the entire review. I would optimise the article for SEO and get it to rank for your brand name.

    This is by far the most effective way of not only building your brand but also creating goodwill with your prospective clients. Nothing works better than real user reviews free of any corporate bias.

    It will take me about a month to complete the review.

    The review would be permanent and feature a link to your site.

  2. Kellye Lavater
    Kellye Lavater 13 Juna, 17:47

    I am a great fan of CBD and hemp products and I must admit that I know the market inside out.

    With this very exclusive service, I will try and honestly review your products on the basis of their presentation, quality (taste: if edible), value for money, branding and so on.

    I can review up to 50 products at most.

    I am based in the UK, so you would have to ship all the products to my UK address.

    I would publish the reviews in a CBD and Hemp lifestyle magazine. I can take pictures of your products and add them next to each product (see extra gig).

    Depending on the number of products involved, I would write up around 1,500 to 3,000 words for the entire review. I would optimise the article for SEO and get it to rank for your brand name.

    This is by far the most effective way of not only building your brand but also creating goodwill with your prospective clients. Nothing works better than real user reviews free of any corporate bias.

    It will take me about a month to complete the review.

    The review would be permanent and feature a link to your site.

  3. Nickolas Amerson
    Nickolas Amerson 11 Jula, 20:44

    I am a great fan of CBD and hemp products and I must admit that I know the market inside out.

    With this very exclusive service, I will try and honestly review your products on the basis of their presentation, quality (taste: if edible), value for money, branding and so on.

    I can review up to 50 products at most.

    I am based in the UK, so you would have to ship all the products to my UK address.

    I would publish the reviews in a CBD and Hemp lifestyle magazine. I can take pictures of your products and add them next to each product (see extra gig).

    Depending on the number of products involved, I would write up around 1,500 to 3,000 words for the entire review. I would optimise the article for SEO and get it to rank for your brand name.

    This is by far the most effective way of not only building your brand but also creating goodwill with your prospective clients. Nothing works better than real user reviews free of any corporate bias.

    It will take me about a month to complete the review.

    The review would be permanent and feature a link to your site.

  4. Leonardo Varnum
    Leonardo Varnum 13 Jula, 04:14

    I am a great fan of CBD and hemp products and I must admit that I know the market inside out.

    With this very exclusive service, I will try and honestly review your products on the basis of their presentation, quality (taste: if edible), value for money, branding and so on.

    I can review up to 50 products at most.

    I am based in the UK, so you would have to ship all the products to my UK address.

    I would publish the reviews in a CBD and Hemp lifestyle magazine. I can take pictures of your products and add them next to each product (see extra gig).

    Depending on the number of products involved, I would write up around 1,500 to 3,000 words for the entire review. I would optimise the article for SEO and get it to rank for your brand name.

    This is by far the most effective way of not only building your brand but also creating goodwill with your prospective clients. Nothing works better than real user reviews free of any corporate bias.

    It will take me about a month to complete the review.

    The review would be permanent and feature a link to your site.

  5. Hayley Laffer
    Hayley Laffer 24 Februara, 00:01

    CannaBliss Finds Its Roots In Common Problems: Chronic Back Pain And Trouble Sleeping. When Founder Josh Smith, Found Himself Suffering From Both Issues, He Made The Choice To Research Natural Solutions. During His Search He Learned About The Benefits Of Full Spectrum Hemp Extract. Unfortunately, He Also Learned An Unpleasant Truth About The Full Spectrum Hemp Extract Industry: Its Products Rarely Work. Full Spectrum Hemp Extract Isn’t The Problem. The Problem Is An Industry That Is Largely Unregulated And Full Of Poorly Produced Products. After Trying Seven Of The Biggest Full Spectrum Hemp Extract Brands On The Market And Only Finding Relief From One, Josh Realized That There Was A Need. After Learning All This, Josh Decided To Do Something About It. And CannaBliss Was Born. His Mission? To Help People, By Creating The Most Pure, Organic And Bioavailable Full Spectrum Cannabinoid Products On The Market, All At A Price People Can Afford. This Mission Remains Josh's Promise To You.

  6. Christa Elisha
    Christa Elisha 23 Marta, 13:19

    We believe that everyone should be able to access quality, proven, and vetted CBD products from CBD oil tinctures, CBD capsules, CBD gummies, CBD edibles, CBD flower & CBG flower. Element Earth CBD is there for beginners and veterans of CBD products, whether it be a 500mg broad-spectrum tincture, to a 3000mg full spectrum tincture. We strongly believe in education about Cannabidiol (CBD) and its many positive effects that can help with everyday anxiety to severe anxiety, from moderate pain to life-changing pain, and using this truly remarkable plant perhaps just as a daily supplement. The brands we sell only are made in the USA only; all hemp is grown specifically on prominent USA farms from Vermont to Colorado. As CBD grows in popularity, and for very good reason, we study all the new technology and new formulas; we thoroughly read all lab reports to endure the users are purchasing what was advertised. While making any claims, at the moment, which is unsubstantiated can cause trouble with the FDA, but, we are finding more and more that the veil is being lifted on a lot of these claims. Which is great news as hemp as been unfortunately under the Controlled Substances category for almost 100 years, finally the 2018 Farm Bill has lifted this categorization. While there are plenty of gray areas in terms of legality with certain products, mostly hemp-infused products and the actual hemp flower, day by day we see progress being made. CBD and related cannabinoids will not impair you nor intoxicate; the ingredients alone are all nutritious in origin.

    Element Earth’s core values are complete transparency, most reliable brands and products, and the best client service needed. We do not believe in price gouging or constant contact through emails if we contact you it will be only for your benefit and none other. Our lineup of CBD products have all of the pertinent information needed such as ingredients, lab certificates, and every analysis possible. In the past year, a certain amount of CBD manufacturers have been caught cutting corners in quality and ingredients just to get ahead of the rest. While we understand every company needs an “edge”, we take these violations very seriously as they do more harm than good, and are only put in place to get you, the consumer, to purchase their wares. Such companies you will never find in our portfolio, ever. The research has been done for you, primarily because we understand the industry, we understand the importance of the impact Cannabidiol has and will continue to positively have on our way of life. Our motto is “The Element of Wellness” because we believe it’s just that, an element from the earth, that has been so intertwined with our lives going back to the beginning of mankind’s first staple crops, and little know that hemp has always been one of them. We hope you will see our value-added benefits, and understand your health is the priority.

  7. Games MATH
    Games MATH 26 Decembra, 12:54

    in my view its in fact awesome for me.


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