Hakeri upali na privatni mail Reisu-l-uleme Mustafe ef. Cerića
Kako saznaje Portal Dnevnog avaza, reisu-l-ulemi Mustafi ef. Ceriću hakeri su upali u njegov privatni mail sa kojeg su potom na niz adresa uputili molbu za uplatu novčanih sredstava.Za sada nepoznati hakeri od niza poznatih osoba iz BiH, ali i iz inostranstva zatražili neodređenu sumu novca uz obrazloženje da se Mustafa ef. Cerić nalazi negdje van BiH, da je pokraden, te da kod sebe nema nikakvih sredstava kako bi se vratio u BiH.Reis Cerić nije želio ni potvrditi ni demantovati ovu informaciju, a ostaje nada da niko neće naivno pristupiti uplati novca na nepoznati žiro račun u stranoj banci.
Tekst e-maila kojeg su poslali hakeri
"Hope you are doing well. I am away in London on an business trip, unfortunately for me I was robbed overnight,even my mobile phone was stolen.I have access to only emails. Please can you send me ?2500(GBP)British pounds. As soon as I get back I would refund it immediately. Please all I need you to do is to go to any Western Union outlet and send me the money before the bank here closes. Below are my details for the western union transfer.
Name: Mustafa Ceric
Address/location: 25 old kent road,SE8 4LP.united kingdom,london england
As soon as its sent, send me a copy of the money transfer receipt or just write out the money transfer control number (MTCN) and the full senders name. Would be waiting.
Best regards,
M. Ceric"
(Kliker.info-Dnevni avaz)